ANNOUNCEMENT – The Ever-Relevant Gita FOR ALL

Apply these principles in your daily life and witness your life transform into utter bliss.

Embracing the Blissful Journey: The Ever-Relevant Gita – A Present-Day Rendering by Tavamithram Sarvada

In a world bustling with complexities, finding solace in ancient wisdom is often overlooked. My sincere effort with ‘The Ever-Relevant Gita – A Present-day Rendering by Tavamithram Sarvada’ is to bridge this gap and bring the profound teachings of the Srimad Bhagavad Gita within easy reach of everyone, regardless of age, background, or familiarity with ancient scriptures.

The primary challenge lies in dispelling misconceptions that shroud the Srimad Bhagavad Gita, such as its perceived depth, religious connotations, and relevance only for the elderly or pious individuals. Through my contemporary rendering, I aim to unravel these myths and present timeless wisdom in a way that resonates with the modern mind.

Understanding that reading lengthy translations can be daunting, I have taken a unique approach by creating easily digestible recordings of each chapter. The not-so-long recordings allow listeners to absorb the essence of the Gita at their own pace, breaking down the barriers that often deter individuals from delving into this transformative scripture.

My intention goes beyond mere presentation; it is a call to embark on a blissful journey of self-discovery. Having faced numerous challenges and life-altering situations, I’ve learned the importance of having a well-trained instinct and a balanced mindset. The teachings of the Bhagavad Gita played a pivotal role in shaping my attitude, cultivating fearlessness, and fostering rational thinking during critical moments.

I am aware that the true power of the Gita lies in its application in everyday life. Therefore, the focus is not just on delivering a rendition or simply chanting its Shlokas but on providing practical insights that enable individuals to apply these teachings in their daily lives, leading to a more fulfilling and blissful existence.

By making ‘The Ever-Relevant Gita – A Present- Day Rendering by Tavamithram Sarvada,’ available on platforms like YouTube and Udemy, in audio, video, and e-book formats, I aim to cater to diverse learning preferences. The multi-format approach ensures accessibility for all, encouraging a broader audience to embrace the transformative journey offered by the Bhagavad Gita.

In essence, my mission is to make the teachings of the Srimad Bhagavad Gita easily accessible, relatable, and applicable to everyone, fostering a deeper understanding of life’s intricacies. Join me on this enlightening journey, and let’s unlock the wisdom together.

Jai Shri Krishna.



Life is a gift - Let's live it!

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