The SOUL Question

Who or what is it that dies, and who is it that reincarnates?

Unveiling the Soul Question: A Journey to Clarity

Have you ever wondered what happens after we die? The mysteries of the ‘soul’, the idea of life after death, and the concept of reincarnation have puzzled humanity for centuries. While many beliefs and theories exist, few provide a truly satisfying answer that dispels all doubts. My latest video, “The SOUL Question,” dives deep into these profound topics, offering a clear and insightful perspective that will leave your mind free of any lingering questions.

The Intrigue of the Soul

The idea that our essence, our soul, travels from one body to another after death is a common belief across many cultures and religions. But how can this be scientifically explained? This video explores this age-old concept, challenging the notion of an individual soul and providing a rational, evidence-based perspective on what truly happens when we die.

Breaking Down the Myths

From Karma and past lives to soul transmigration and spiritual hierarchies, this video addresses and deconstructs these myths one by one. In this video, we will question the very foundation of these beliefs, examining the logic and science behind them.

  • What is the soul made of?
  • Where is past Karma stored?
  • At what point does a soul enter a new body?
  • How do formless souls think or strategise and, like a certain spiritual leader said, ‘fight to acquire human bodies’?

The Influence of Ancient Wisdom

Drawing from the profound teachings of the Srimad Bhagavad Gita and the Upanishads, this video provides a clear and concise understanding of the SELF. These ancient texts offer wisdom that transcends time, helping us see beyond the illusions of life and death.

Dispelling Fear and Finding Peace

Fear of death and the unknown often leads people to seek solace in comforting but unfounded beliefs. This video aims to replace fear with knowledge, offering a perspective that brings peace of mind. By the end, you’ll have a deeper understanding of the true nature of existence, free from the myths that cloud our perception.

Why You Should Watch

If you’re ready to explore these profound questions and achieve a clear, rational understanding of life, death, and the soul, this video is for you. Whether you’re a seeker of truth, a student of philosophy, or simply curious about these eternal questions, “The SOUL Question” promises to enlighten and clarify.

Watch Now and Discover:

  • The reality of death and what truly happens
  • The scientific perspective on the soul
  • Insights from the Srimad Bhagavad Gita and Upanishads
  • How to achieve peace of mind and clarity about existence

Don’t miss out on this enlightening journey. Watch “The SOUL Question” now and transform your understanding of life and death forever. Please watch the video below and embark on this fascinating journey to clarity.



Life is a gift - Let's live it!

2 thoughts on “The SOUL Question

  1. A very popular topic searched by inquisitive mind by everyone , dealt on the basis of Spirituality , Science perfectly .. A sour searching Video .. !


    1. This video serves logical questions on the concept of soul. And attempts to answer directly. The soul in everyone is the same!

      It is the subjective awareness or consciousness within one and all which remains the same and which is the non-doing witness that is aware or conscious of our surroundings by the chidakasha.

      It is containing of all thing, and being contained within them.

      The death is just end of the fully functioning physical body, which is the Vibhuti of the Brahman. It is just matter of time…

      This happens within our body with the cells.
      Every moment there is creation, every moment destruction. There is no absolute creation, no absolute destruction. Both are movement, and that is eternal.” -Ramana Maharshi

      The soul is the non dual one!


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