Four Crucial KarmaYoga Shlokas – Printable

Apply these principles in your daily life, and witness your life transforming into utter bliss.



The True Essence of a KarmaYogi


You may have encountered the term KarmaYogi in your spiritual journey, but perhaps you find it challenging to fully grasp and internalise its profound meaning. It’s a common experience for many individuals to attend lengthy sermons by revered gurus and spiritual leaders, only to leave without gaining valuable insights or practical steps for personal transformation. Mechanical rituals and mere recitation of Shlokas and Mantras often fall short of fostering a deeper understanding. To truly embrace the path of KarmaYogi, one must first delve into the profound concept of devotion, known as ‘Bhakti’ in Sanskrit, and work towards attaining Atmagnyana or the supreme Knowledge of the SELF.

However, the misinterpretation of the term ‘Bhakti’ has led to misguided religious practices and the formation of belief systems and bizarre cults, resulting in spiritual immaturity. At its core, the practice of devotion should lead to self-realisation and profound transformation.

A Path to Transformation for All

I have made various resources available to you, including paperbacks, e-books, videos, Udemy courses, and informative posts. My sincere intention is to make the invaluable wisdom of the Srimad Bhagavad Gita accessible to individuals from all walks of life, regardless of societal status, gender, or religious background. This commitment arises from my deep desire to share the philosophy that has profoundly transformed my life, ushering in a state of complete freedom, inner peace, and unceasing bliss.

Krishna’s Teachings on Action and Detachment

In Shloka SBG 2:47, the Srimad Bhagavad Gita explicitly conveys, “You only possess the right to perform your actions, but you should never lay claim to their outcomes. The results of your actions should not be your primary motivation, and yet, you must not be inert or uninvolved.” This teaching encapsulates the essence of the Karma Marga as elucidated by Bhagavan Shri Krishna. It emphasises the importance of performing one’s duties without attachment to the results. Nowhere in the entire Srimad Bhagavad Gita does Krishna instruct Arjuna to visit a temple of His and engage in meaningless rites and rituals in exchange for desires. A careful reading of Shlokas SBG 2:41-47 reveals Krishna’s instructions on desire-driven rituals conducted in the name of religion. These seven Shlokas shed light on activities that people believe please ‘god’ but, in reality, go against the true teachings of the Srimad Bhagavad Gita

A Gift of Wisdom: The Srimad Bhagavad Gita in Narration

Shortly, I will be releasing a new product that I believe will be of great value to seekers. While I understand that some may not know to fully appreciate offerings that come at no cost, I am pleased to announce that I will be offering it for free on YouTube and Spotify. This special project is my rendition of the entire Srimad Bhagavad Gita in the form of a story-telling narration. I have designed it to provide you with a seamless and uninterrupted experience, free from the distractions of Shloka numbers. My goal is to help you gain a deep understanding of what the Srimad Bhagavad Gita truly represents, without the need to rely on misleading WhatsApp forwards claiming to be from the Gita.

Embark on Your Journey with Four Key Shlokas

Here are four essential Shlokas from the Srimad Bhagavad Gita that can set you on the path of Karma Marga as elucidated by Shri Krishna. You have the option to download these Shlokas as an image or in PDF format. I encourage you to start by applying these teachings in your daily life, whether at home, at work, or anywhere else. Embracing these principles can lead to profound personal transformation and a deeper connection with the wisdom of the Srimad Bhagavad Gita.

4 x Karmayoga Shlokas

You may use the download button below to save it as an image, or you could click here to open a new tab and download it as a PDF.

Stay tuned for more enlightening content and resources to support your spiritual journey. Together, let’s unlock the true essence of KarmaYogi and embark on a path of self-discovery and inner transformation.

Jai Shri Krishna


Below are some of my videos that can help you steer your way out of fears, worries, mental slavery, mental weakness, superstitions, and pseudoreligion and progress towards Self-Realisation.


Life is a gift - Let's live it!

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