Krishna says, “It’s very easy!”

The Astonishing Simplicity of Self-Realisation – A Journey with Krishna


Unveiling the Enigma of Vedanta

In a world shrouded in dogma and unquestioned beliefs, the ancient wisdom of Vedanta stands as a torch-bearer of rationality, science, and self-discovery. Rooted in the timeless teachings of the Upanishads, this profound philosophy opens doors to liberation from the mental chains that often limit human potential.

Beyond Conventional Notions

Vedanta introduces us to a concept that defies conventional notions of Divinity – Brahman, the ultimate Divine principle. But watch the video to know that there’s something even more mind-boggling that awaits.

Breaking the Chains of Mental Enslavement

Humanity has been entrapped by the idea of a Divine overseer, scrutinising every thought and action for centuries. It’s a pattern, seen across many religions, a cycle of mass mental enslavement.

The Key to True Liberation

Unlocking your mind from these constraints lies in the profound teachings of theKey02 Srimad Bhagavad Gita. This ancient scripture holds the power to release your intellect from generations of dualistic conditioning. And there’s a remarkable revelation hidden within.

Arjuna’s Path to Enlightenment

Arjuna, our representative in the Srimad Bhagavad Gita, embarks on a journey guided by Krishna through three distinct paths – Bhakti Marga, the path of devotion, Karma Marga, the path of righteous action, and Gnyaana Marga, the path of supreme knowledge.

The Illusion of Duality

Vedanta encourages seekers to transcend dualistic thinking that breeds conflicts and divisions among people. It encourages us to explore the profound interconnectedness between all beings and the Divine.

A Mind-Blowing Revelation

But here’s where it gets intriguing. Amidst these profound teachings, there’s a perspective so extraordinary that it invites us to view a human being, or any other entity, from the atomic level. It’s a revelation that shatters our understanding of solidity, revealing the intricate dance between matter and space that shapes our existence.

The Mind-Bending Truth

Imagine, if you will, a reality where the space within and between the atoms in your body is unveiled. It’s a revelation in this video that shatters our understanding of solidity, revealing the intricate dance between matter and space that shapes our existence.  

Embracing the All-Pervading Self

At its core, Vedanta leads us to a breathtaking realisation. It teaches us that everything, from the vast cosmos to the smallest atoms, is interwoven through an all-pervading, nondual SELF. It’s a realisation that brings mental clarity and the bliss of enlightenment.

The Path to Profound Freedom

In conclusion, the path to self-realisation is far simpler than you might ever imagine. As Krishna assures us, it is very easy to follow. By diving into the wisdom of Vedanta, freeing ourselves from the chains of duality, and uncovering the breathtaking truth about the nature of our existence, you can truly understand the profound significance of “Tat Tvam Asi” – You are THAT. 







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