LAUNCHED: Vegan Guardian

Transform Your Life with Plant-Based Living

Ready to Ditch the Rut and Reignite Your Life? Or do you still want to continue your same old boring life?

Let’s face it, life can get stagnant. We all get stuck in routines, feeling sluggish and uninspired. But what if I told you there’s a way to break free, reclaim your energy, and become a force of nature – just like me? 

Dedication and Discipline

(McFit is the name of the gym in Germany where I train.)

Nearly 60, and I can still outwork most youngsters at the gym! I bench press 100 Kg. My secret? It’s not some magic potion (although delicious smoothies come close!). It’s attitude and a powerful lifestyle I call Vegan Guardian.

Intrigued? You should be! Vegan Guardian isn’t your typical vegan blog. It’s about transforming yourself from the inside out.

It’s about:

  • Unleashing Plant-Based Power: Ditch the animal products and discover a new level of vibrant health.
  • Awakening Your Inner Beast: Get moving! Because exercise is your body’s natural fountain of youth.
  • Realising Universal Oneness: Discover the peace and clarity of Vedanta philosophy.

For ten years, I’ve shared my experiences on this blog. But sometimes, inspiration needs a little nudge. That’s why I’m launching a brand-new project: Vegan Guardian!

This dedicated space is all about empowering YOU to take control of your life. It’s about feeling amazing, having boundless energy, and living life to the fullest.

Inspired by my incredible dad, a beacon of joy, and the wisdom of an ancient Tamil poet sage called Tirumoolar, who said in Tamil: “யாம் (யான்) பெற்ற இன்பம் பெறுக இவ்வையகம்” “yaam (yaan) pettra inbam peruga ivvayagam” May the Ultimate bliss received by me, be received by everyone.” What a generous statement!

Ultimate bliss isn’t some far-off dream. It’s a state of profound well-being that’s closer than you think. All you need is the will to make it yours! YEP! That is the ONLY REQUIREMENT.

Ready to embark on this exciting adventure? Head to my (OUR) new blog, Vegan Guardian, and unleash the vibrant, healthy, youthful, strong, and powerful you!

Get ready to ditch the limitations and redefine what it means to truly live.

I’ll be sharing AWESOME VEGAN RECIPES, killer workout routines, and deep dives into each pillar of the Vegan Guardian Lifestyle.

Can there be anyone who does not want to look and feel youthful and possess excellent and robust health?

Take a moment to reflect: Is it right to put dead animals or animal secretions into your mouth?

Are you ready to awaken the Vegan Guardian within? Let’s go!

Continue reading “LAUNCHED: Vegan Guardian”

Holy Cow! Echoes of Despair

The Silent Cry of Bovine Suffering

The Unspoken Suffering: A Wake-Up Call for Compassionate Living

The daily rush drowns out a different kind of sound: the quiet cries of pain. Bovine animals, those once majestic creatures who grazed peacefully in our fields and fed our families, now endure a hidden world of suffering. We rush past it, oblivious to the silent desperation in their eyes, and to the echoes of their cries that go unnoticed in the corridors of human indifference.

For centuries, cows and their kin have been steadfast companions to humanity, serving not only as a source of nourishment but also, in a nation like Bharat or modern-day India, as symbols of reverence in pastoral cultures. However, right since the beginning of the 20th century, the landscape has shifted, and with it, the treatment of these gentle giants has taken a grim turn.

In the relentless pursuit of productivity, international milk industries have reduced cows to mere commodities, neglecting their intrinsic worth and relegating them to the confines of profit margins. The consequence? Once these noble creatures cease to produce milk, they are callously abandoned, left to wander the unforgiving Indian streets in search of sustenance. 

Whitewashing all the horrible things done to cows in the name of religious traditions is an even greater crime against nature. Where in the Srimad Bhagavad Gita does Krishna ask a devotee to pour milk on His ‘vigrahas’?

Picture the heartbreaking sight of aged cows, once cherished, now forced to scavenge for scraps, their proud stature diminished by neglect and apathy. It’s a stark reminder of our collective failure to uphold the values of compassion and empathy that lie at the core of our humanity. Many Indians accord cows the status of a mother because they ‘give’ milk. Would these same people send their own mothers to the streets to find food? Why is there such hypocrisy when it comes to bovine animals? Humans steal baby cow food and claim that the cow ‘gave’ them her milk? When did a cow ever ring the doorbell of a farmer and offer her milk for human consumption?! 

I personally use the term ‘white blood’ for mammary milk. You might want to Google the question, ‘Why is milk white?’

But there is hope, flickering like a candle in the darkness of indifference. Each of us holds the power to make a difference, however small, in the lives of these sentient beings. By choosing to embrace compassion and extend a helping hand to those in need, we can rewrite the narrative of suffering and create a world where kindness reigns supreme.

To those who champion vegetarianism as a symbol of purity and ethical living, I urge you to confront the uncomfortable truth: your consumption habits, albeit plant-based, still greatly contribute to the suffering of bovine animals. Watch the short video linked below to gain a deeper understanding of how your choices resonate far beyond your plates.

While this post focuses on the exploitation of bovine animals, it serves as a call to awaken compassion in the hearts of people for all living beings. Every living being has the right to live its full natural life.

When humans consume meat, dairy, or any other animal product, it is merely one drink, snack, or meal for them, but for the poor, voiceless animals, it is their whole life.

Being vegetarian alone does not absolve the consumer of being a part of the system of mass animal torture and slaughter. Going 100% Vegan is the only way and the highest stage in the process of human dietary evolution.

Let us not turn a blind eye to the suffering of our fellow beings. Let us stand united in our commitment to uphold the rights of all creatures, great and small. For in our collective compassion lies the promise of a brighter, more humane future for future generations.

NO! Meat and other animal products are not necessary for a healthy, disease-free, peaceful, and happy life. Research for yourself if you so wish, try, yes, at least try to emerge out of the cognitive dissonance that shrouds the intellect of masses, and leads them towards unimaginable diseases.

Watch the heart-rending short video below, as well as the other videos I have shared on this post, and take a step towards compassionate living. Together, we can make a difference.

Visit TVM Vegan to watch more informative videos on the subject.

If you care for your own health and that of your loved ones, please don’t miss the film ‘What the Health?’

‘Ma Ka Doodh’/’Mother’s Milk’: Rethinking the Milk Myth and Cultural Beliefs

‘Ma Ka Doodh’/’Mother’s Milk’: Rethinking the Milk Myth and Cultural Beliefs

The Influence of Blindly Followed Traditions

Societal practices often stem from blind adherence to traditions passed down by previous generations. Many of these traditions lack logic or tangible benefits for individuals or society as a whole.

Historical Perspective: Misleading Advertisements

Have you ever considered that cigarette manufacturers used to advertise smoking as healthy in the 1930s and 1940s? You can find a post about it on this History website.

The Origin and Replication of Traditions

Traditions are typically followed under the assumption that if our elders did something, it must be right. However, it’s important to realise that every tradition, regardless of its nature, originates from the choices and actions of individuals in the past. The Srimad Bhagavad Gita also touches on this point. In Shloka 3:21 of the Srimad Bhagavad Gita, Krishna states: “When an influential person performs an action, others tend to follow and emulate it. Their actions become a standard for others.”

Breaking the Cycle: Questioning Established Practices

This cycle continues until someone has the courage to question these practices. Unfortunately, such individuals are often labelled as heretics or rebels simply because they dared to ask questions.

The Rise of Industries and Manipulation

Since the early 20th century, industries, particularly the food and medical sectors, have grown significantly. The food industry can be categorised into agriculture, dairy, and meat.

The advertising industry, born towards the end of the 19th century, experienced exponential growth with the emergence of mass communication mediums like print media, radio, television, and the postal system. These new media platforms gradually evolved into systems of mass mind manipulation used by major industries to serve their interests.

Mass killing of innocent animals soon became a full-fledged industry. Who cared what happened behind those walls? “If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be a vegetarian,” said Sir James Paul McCartney

Media Influence: The Acceptance of Information

In today’s world, anything printed or spoken in the media is often accepted as gospel truth. People even go to the extent of using the phrase, “I read in a book/magazine/article/report that…” to lend credibility to their statements.

Seeking Knowledge: The Wisdom of Questioning

Allow me to quote another Shloka from the Srimad Bhagavad Gita: Shloka SBG 4:34: Krishna says, “Attain knowledge by revering teachers who have realised the Truth, serve them, and ASK THEM QUESTIONS until all your doubts are resolved. The wise ones who know the Truth will impart their knowledge to you.”

My Personal Journey: Transitioning to Veganism

Ten years ago, I made the transition from vegetarianism to veganism. Since then, I have experienced a significant improvement in my health, strength, and overall well-being, thanks to this dietary shift coupled with regular exercise. What’s most gratifying is that, in my fifties, I feel fitter and stronger, as well as physically and mentally more powerful than I did in earlier decades. This journey has also brought me immense peace of mind, knowing that my body and soul remain untainted by acts of violence against animals.

Empowering Choice: Research and Informed Decision-Making

While I am neither a medical professional nor a health expert, I urge everyone to ask questions, conduct research, and make informed choices that align with their own values and the betterment of the world. Do not blindly adhere to traditions just because they were practised by your ancestors or because they are accepted social norms. Above all, do not be such gullible victims of mass brain manipulation systems.

Challenging Cultural Beliefs: The Case of Animal Milk

The title “Ma ka doodh” translates to “mother’s milk,” and it begs the question, “Whose mother?” A cow produces milk for her own calf, which grows to around 300 kg within a year. Even adult animals, including bovines, do not consume their own mother’s milk, let alone the milk of another species. Humans are the only species that do so. In India, the consumption of animal milk, which is actually stolen from them, is even sanctified under the misguided belief that it pleases the gods, which the uninformed masses blindly follow. There are some ‘Krishna organisations’ that sell ‘Ahimsa milk’, whatever that means!

Thought-Provoking Reflection: Challenging Our Choices

Consider this: would you be willing to drink the mammary milk of a woman? I wager you wouldn’t. Isn’t it peculiar that you refuse to consume the milk of your own species, yet willingly consume the milk of a voiceless female creature that has endured a lifetime of torture? And to vegetarians who think they are morally superior to meat consumers, think again!


Remember that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Prioritise embracing Conscious Choices, and live the life of a Responsible Soul.

Stay blessed.

Eye-Opening Documentaries: ‘Ma ka doodh’

After the release of the American documentary film “What the Health” in 2017, I was deeply impressed by the Indian documentary film “Ma ka doodh” produced by Harsha Atmakuri in 2023. This well-crafted film features professionals sharing their knowledge and experiences.

Enlightening Film: A Call to Action

I encourage you to set aside two hours to watch this film. It is beneficial not only for you, your family, and your immediate surroundings but also for the world at large.

‘Ma ka Doodh’ – EnglishHindi

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