LAUNCHED: Vegan Guardian

Transform Your Life with Plant-Based Living

Ready to Ditch the Rut and Reignite Your Life? Or do you still want to continue your same old boring life?

Let’s face it, life can get stagnant. We all get stuck in routines, feeling sluggish and uninspired. But what if I told you there’s a way to break free, reclaim your energy, and become a force of nature – just like me? 

Dedication and Discipline

(McFit is the name of the gym in Germany where I train.)

Nearly 60, and I can still outwork most youngsters at the gym! I bench press 100 Kg. My secret? It’s not some magic potion (although delicious smoothies come close!). It’s attitude and a powerful lifestyle I call Vegan Guardian.

Intrigued? You should be! Vegan Guardian isn’t your typical vegan blog. It’s about transforming yourself from the inside out.

It’s about:

  • Unleashing Plant-Based Power: Ditch the animal products and discover a new level of vibrant health.
  • Awakening Your Inner Beast: Get moving! Because exercise is your body’s natural fountain of youth.
  • Realising Universal Oneness: Discover the peace and clarity of Vedanta philosophy.

For ten years, I’ve shared my experiences on this blog. But sometimes, inspiration needs a little nudge. That’s why I’m launching a brand-new project: Vegan Guardian!

This dedicated space is all about empowering YOU to take control of your life. It’s about feeling amazing, having boundless energy, and living life to the fullest.

Inspired by my incredible dad, a beacon of joy, and the wisdom of an ancient Tamil poet sage called Tirumoolar, who said in Tamil: “யாம் (யான்) பெற்ற இன்பம் பெறுக இவ்வையகம்” “yaam (yaan) pettra inbam peruga ivvayagam” May the Ultimate bliss received by me, be received by everyone.” What a generous statement!

Ultimate bliss isn’t some far-off dream. It’s a state of profound well-being that’s closer than you think. All you need is the will to make it yours! YEP! That is the ONLY REQUIREMENT.

Ready to embark on this exciting adventure? Head to my (OUR) new blog, Vegan Guardian, and unleash the vibrant, healthy, youthful, strong, and powerful you!

Get ready to ditch the limitations and redefine what it means to truly live.

I’ll be sharing AWESOME VEGAN RECIPES, killer workout routines, and deep dives into each pillar of the Vegan Guardian Lifestyle.

Can there be anyone who does not want to look and feel youthful and possess excellent and robust health?

Take a moment to reflect: Is it right to put dead animals or animal secretions into your mouth?

Are you ready to awaken the Vegan Guardian within? Let’s go!

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