Harmonising Patriotism: A Tribute to India’s National Anthem, Freedom, and Heroes

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In the symphony of a nation’s history, few melodies resonate as powerfully as the Indian national anthem. A harmonious blend of musical notes, emotions, and values, the anthem encapsulates the essence of patriotism, freedom, and self-reliance that defines India. As the country proudly claims its position as the fifth-largest economy, it’s a moment to pause, reflect, and honour the remarkable journey that has led us here. In this blog post, we pay tribute not only to the anthem itself but also to the brave freedom fighters, armed forces, educators, medical professionals, and every individual who tirelessly serves the nation and its people.

India’s Economic Ascent and Vibrant Youth:

The echoes of India’s national anthem harmonise seamlessly with its recent economic accomplishments, propelling it to become the fifth-largest economy in the world. This achievement underscores the resilience and determination that characterise the nation. What adds an even more vibrant hue to this ascent is the youthful energy that fuels progress. With the largest population of young individuals, India’s future is painted with shades of promise and innovation.

Patriotism and Homage to Freedom Fighters:

Beyond its musical notes, the Indian national anthem represents a powerful embodiment of unwavering patriotism that has fuelled the hearts of generations. A tribute to the sacrifices of countless freedom fighters, the anthem’s harmonious tune becomes a symphony of gratitude. As we listen, the courage, determination, and undying spirit of those who fought for independence resonate within us.

Honouring the Pillars of Service:

The greatness of a nation rests upon its people and the selfless contributions of those who serve it. From the valiant armed forces protecting our borders to the dedicated educators shaping young minds, the compassionate medical professionals healing our ailments, and the diligent police force upholding law and order, these pillars play a pivotal role in shaping the nation’s destiny. Through my harmonica rendition of the national anthem, I extend a heartfelt tribute to these unsung heroes, the backbone of our society.


In the rhythmic harmony of the Indian national anthem, we find an expression of love, pride, and unity that transcends boundaries and resonates in every corner of the nation. It embodies the spirit of a country that has emerged as a global force, yet remains deeply rooted in its heritage. As I present our harmonica cover of the anthem, I pray it serves as a testament to our shared values, aspirations, and profound appreciation for every individual who has played a role in shaping this remarkable journey.

Let us join together in celebrating the harmonious essence of India’s past, present, and future through the universal language of music and patriotism. Let my simple harmonica rendition of our national anthem remind us of the unbreakable bond that unites us as a nation and the bright possibilities that lie ahead.

Vande Mataram.

Attaining Mental Strength: Three Crucial Points from the Vedanta Philosophy

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The Bitter Pill of TRUTH
You are the Master of your FATE


Namaste, seekers of wisdom! In this insightful blog post, we will explore three crucial points from the realm of Vedanta philosophy that can empower you to face life’s challenges with unwavering mental strength. Just as a bitter pill is swallowed for the sake of health, these transformative insights might challenge your perspective, but they hold the potential to lead you to profound understanding and inner strength. So, are you ready to embark on this journey of self-discovery and empowerment? Let’s dive into the essence of these teachings.

Point 1: Embrace the Idea of Being Ready to Die Now

In the first point, we confront a fundamental fear that often grips human minds – the fear of death. This might sound intense, but when we truly internalise the impermanence of physical existence, a profound transformation occurs. Think of brave soldiers on the frontlines who acknowledge the possibility of death but remain steadfast in their duty. Similarly, understanding the inevitability of physical death frees us from the shackles of fear, empowering us to lead courageous lives.

SBG 2:38
सुखदुःखे समे कृत्वा लाभालाभौ जयाजयौ |
ततो युद्धाय युज्यस्व नैवं पापमवाप्स्यसि || २ ३८ ||
sukhaduh-khe same krtvaa
laabhaa-laabhau jayaa-jayau
thatho yuddhaaya yujyasva
naivam paapam-avaapsyasi (SBG 2:38)
Fight the battle, treating alike pleasure and pain, gain and loss as well as victory and defeat. By doing so, you will not sin.

Point 2: Coming to Terms with Situations

Moving forward, we explore the art of coming to terms with various life situations. When faced with challenges or losses, our intelligence often gets clouded by emotions. Temporarily accepting the situation, allows us to think rationally and make informed choices. Just as Krishna advises Arjuna to treat pleasure and pain, gain and loss, equally, we too can maintain equanimity by not allowing external circumstances to control our inner state.

Point 3: You Are the Architect of Your Life

In the final point, we delve into the concept of personal responsibility. Acknowledge that you are the sole creator of your experiences, including the good and the challenging. This understanding liberates us from the notion of attributing outcomes to external forces. Just as planting a seed yields a corresponding plant, our actions have consequences. By internalising this cause-and-effect relationship, we empower ourselves to shape our lives consciously.

SBG 4:37
यथैधांसि समिद्धोऽग्निर्भस्मसात्कुरुतेऽर्जुन |
ज्ञानाग्निः सर्वकर्माणि भस्मसात्कुरुते तथा || ४ ३७ ||
yathaidhaamsi samiddho’gnir-
gnyaanaagnih sarvakarmaaNi
bhasmasaath-kurute tathaa (SBG 4:37)
Just as a blazing fire burns firewood into ashes, O Arjuna, knowledge burns all actions and reactions due to material activities, into ashes.
SBG 4:38
न हि ज्ञानेन सदृशं पवित्रमिह विद्यते |
तत्स्वयं योगसंसिद्धः कालेनात्मनि विन्दति || ४ ३८ ||
na hi gnyaanena sadrisham
pavitra-miha vidhyathe
tath-svayam yoga-samsiddhah
kaalenaath-mani vindati (SBG 4:38)
There is certainly nothing more purifying than knowledge. He who is perfect in Yoga finds it in the Self, in due course of time.

The Path of Self-Realisation: Beyond Dualism

As we progress on our journey of self-realisation, it’s important to recognise the pitfalls of dualistic thinking. Vedanta teaches us to transcend the limitations of viewing the Divine as a separate entity or as entities. Instead, visualise the universe existing within your consciousness, just as heavenly bodies exist within the sky. By understanding the interconnectedness of all things and realising your role as an architect of your destiny, you can experience true freedom and bliss.

Conclusion: Embarking on the Vedanta Journey

In this exploration of Vedanta philosophy, we’ve touched upon three pivotal points that can revolutionise your perspective and empower you to navigate life’s challenges with mental fortitude. Remember, Vedanta is not about blind belief; it’s about knowledge, understanding, and self-realisation. By delving into the wisdom of ancient texts like the Srimad Bhagavad Gita and the Upanishads, you can embark on a transformative voyage toward a harmonious, fulfilled, and enlightened existence.

It’s time to intellectually and spiritually ‘grow up’ and give up all kinds of dualistic, meaningless rites and rituals. If you’re prepared to embark on this profound journey, don’t hesitate to reach out to me. Together, we’ll delve deeper into the enlightening teachings of Vedanta, unravelling the enigmas of existence, and achieving inner serenity and lucidity. Let’s traverse the path of knowledge, self-discovery, and empowerment hand in hand.

Thank you for joining me on this voyage toward self-discovery and wisdom.

Jai Shri Krishna 🙏

Beyond Belief and Ideology: Vedanta’s Perspective on Human Understanding

(Note: This presentation is created for individuals with an open-minded approach, seeking knowledge that extends beyond the boundaries of organised belief systems. It delves into concepts and ideas, with the aim of fostering exploration rather than undermining personal convictions.

My unwavering commitment revolves around deconstructing intricate notions into easily comprehensible steps, empowering individuals to attain a foundational grasp of Vedanta. This pursuit holds the potential to rescue them from expending a number of years, and perhaps even decades, entwined in dualistic contemplations, apprehensions towards allegorical divine entities that are taken too literally, and various forms of mental servitude.)

Introduction:  Belief, Ideology, and Vedanta

Within the expansive fabric of human awareness, the threads of spiritual exploration are intricately intertwined. Each thread contributes to the rich fabric of spiritual evolution, shaping individual perspectives and collective worldviews. In this exploration, we delve into the profound interplay of these elements, seeking to understand how they influence societal norms, personal convictions, and the transformative journey of self-realisation.

Belief and Ideology: Unravelling the Threads

At the heart of human cognition lies belief, a potent force that underpins our perception of reality. Belief, often rooted in personal experiences, cultural influences, and upbringing, is the cornerstone of our understanding. It embodies the subjective acceptance of truths, whether they pertain to religious beliefs, moral values, or scientific theories. Our beliefs extend their grasp over our thoughts, emotions, and actions, painting the canvas of our lives with hues of conviction.

Ideology: The Grand Tapestry of Thought

While belief is a solitary brushstroke, ideology emerges as a masterpiece painted by collective minds. It transcends individual convictions, weaving together a structured framework of beliefs, ideas, and principles that form the bedrock of a social, political, or economic system. Ideologies such as democracy, communism, and feminism shape societies, influencing policies and norms. They are the collective manifestations of human thought, guiding communities towards shared visions and common purposes.

The Dance of Evolution: Spiritual Progress through Vedanta

In this symphony of belief and ideology, Vedanta emerges as a distinct melody. Rooted in the pinnacle of Vedic studies, VVedanta guides seekers on a transformative and evolutionary journey. Unlike belief-bound ideologies, Vedanta is a rational and analytical process of negation and elimination, which is popularly known as ‘Neti neti’ or ‘Not this, not this,’. 

Drawing an analogy to algebraic equations, the ‘Neti neti’ method is akin to solving for an unknown variable by systematically eliminating possibilities. Just as algebraic equations involve subtracting or cancelling out terms to isolate the desired variable, the “neti neti” approach entails negating, or mentally discarding, aspects that are not the ultimate reality. By progressively eliminating finite attributes and limitations that don’t define the infinite Brahman, one unveils a clearer understanding of what remains – the formless and indescribable essence that underlies all existence. 

Vedanta is completely devoid of blind faith. It leads individuals towards experiential wisdom, offering a profound understanding of existence beyond the confines of belief, dogma, or religion.

Societal Impact: Organised Religions and the Power of Belief

Organised religions stand as towering structures of belief, meticulously weaving ideologies that unite the masses under shared dogmas. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam exemplify this, drawing strength from strong confessions, the profession of faith, and robust belief systems. Membership in these religions hinges on a shared adherence to specific ideologies, emphasising the symbiotic relationship between belief and collective identity.

Vedic Dharma and Vedanta: Transcending Belief

In contrast, the Vedic Dharma with Vedanta at its pinnacle, offers a direct path to seeking the realisation of the ultimate Truth. Vedanta, the zenith of Vedic studies, stands as a beacon of rationality. It invites seekers to transcend duality, such as the ‘god’ and I, or ‘the world and I’ concepts, and mere beliefs through introspection and analysis. Pseudo-religious cults, and breakaway dualistic sects born from the ignorance of the purest form of Advaita Vedanta, demonstrate the consequence of neglecting Vedanta’s profound wisdom, leading to the emergence of fragmented ‘isms’ and what one might call, ‘tvas.’

Unveiling the Truth: Navigating the Path of Spiritual Wisdom

The Metaphor of Existence: Beyond Belief and Rituals

The Srimad Bhagavad Gita, a timeless scripture, serves as a guiding light, revealing the path beyond belief-bound rituals. Its Shlokas illuminate the metaphor of existence, dispelling misconceptions of spirituality confined to rites and rituals. Krishna’s teachings advocate understanding, reflection, and action aligned with one’s inner calling, transcending the realm of mere belief.

Vedanta, the crown of the Vedas

Vedanta, crowned as the zenith of wisdom, dismisses the confinement of religious dogma. It empowers seekers to embrace open-mindedness, rejecting fanaticism that arises from rigid belief systems. Unlike blind faith, Vedanta encourages rational exploration, urging individuals to experience truth firsthand.

Embarking on the Journey: Self-Realisation through Vedanta

The Quest for Atmagnyana: Journeying Within

As seekers traverse the labyrinth of beliefs and ideologies, Vedanta illuminates the path towards SELF-realisation, known as Atmagnyana. This transformative journey goes beyond mere intellectual comprehension, guiding individuals to embody the teachings and experience the divine essence within.

Beyond Rituals: The Essence of Spiritual Awakening

The trajectory of spiritual awakening often encounters misconceptions, including the association of spirituality with going to temples and practising rites and rituals. However, a profound exploration of the Srimad Bhagavad Gita dismantles these preconceived notions. The metaphors within this scripture dismiss the emphasis on beliefs and superficial rituals, inviting seekers to transcend the ordinary and embrace higher realms of understanding.

Towards the end of His discourse in Shloka 18:63, Krishna bestows upon Arjuna the autonomy to contemplate His teachings and guide his actions in accordance with his own discernment. This elevation of personal reflection underscores the essence of genuine comprehension, casting aside blind adherence, and, illuminating the path of profound insight.

Vedanta and the Spectrum of Knowledge

My Personal Approach to Study: A Holistic Perspective

When delving into various philosophies, languages, or ideologies, my preferred methodology has consistently involved gaining an initial panoramic understanding of the subject. I begin by acquiring a bird’s-eye view, grasping its fundamental principles before meticulously dissecting each component in detail.

A Gentle Reminder Before Summarising

Before providing a summary, I wish to emphasise that whatever I say or write is intended for those with open minds, rather than individuals firmly entrenched within a particular belief system or religious affiliation. I extend an invitation to engage with my thoughts openly.

The Evolution of Belief and Its Potential Pitfalls

The moment an individual professes unwavering belief in something or subscribes to a particular notion, there’s a potential halt in their personal evolution. Such a stance can inadvertently lead to fanaticism, escalating disagreements even among close relationships. This tendency to break ties due to differing beliefs is exacerbated when adherents of various organised religions fervently strive to convert others. In contrast, the guiding light of Vedic Dharma, underpinned by Vedanta, steers seekers towards an all-encompassing realisation of their non-dual, all-pervasive SELF.

Embarking on a Journey of SELF-realisation

If you find yourself convinced of your detachment from organised religion, and of your freedom to pursue knowledge, I extend a warm invitation to you to accompany me on a transformative voyage towards the pinnacle of SELF-realisation. 

While I do not claim to be an expert, I can say with certainty that the guiding principles my dear father and mother instilled in me and my extensive studies in philosophy have greatly facilitated my life’s journey, which has been characterised by significant events and difficult challenges. 

These elements have consistently empowered me to perceive each experience, no matter how daunting, as an invaluable learning opportunity. This journey serves as a pathway to the ultimate goal of Atmagnyana, which is the profound realisation of the SELF.

The Path to Transcendence

Embrace the liberation from belief systems, relinquish the shackles of rituals, and navigate the realm beyond dualistic notions of appeasing an external entity. The truth, elusive yet omnipresent, rests within – you are the essence of Brahman, the embodiment of Krishna. The journey towards this realisation requires shedding the veneer of blind belief, for within you lies the key to unveiling the profound truths that await your discovery.

Embark on this journey of transcendence, and let the flame of knowledge illuminate your path. The skies of enlightenment await your exploration.

Thank you

Have a fascinatingly blessed life ahead.

Jai Shri Krishna

Keywords: Belief, Ideology, Vedanta, Spiritual evolution, Collective beliefs, Personal convictions, Social norms, Cultural influences, Vedic studies, Religious beliefs, Philosophical systems, Transcending beliefs, Individual perspectives, Societal change, Rational analysis, Worldview, Spiritual wisdom, Srimad Bhagavad Gita, Self-realization,  Self-realisation, Atmagnyana, Pseudo-religious cults, Vedic Dharma, Divine knowledge, Spiritual journey, Guided by Vedanta, Rituals and rites, Metaphor of existence, Supreme scriptures, Open-mindedness, Transformative growth.